European Association of Utility Companies
Project: Set up and execution of single hosting strategy
Challenge & Client Value: Client was faced with a scattered hosting set up with several hosting providers and outdated architecture for its mission-critical applications. Whitebridge Consulting helped the client team by providing essential knowledge and expertise to select a future proof service provider which offered an outside the box approach to the client challenges by proactively addressing solutions outside the requested scope.
Approach: Whitebridge Consulting delivered the results by supporting the client team with a mixed team covering all necessary aspects, including the legal aspects:
- Perform a key issue focused market scan for candidate service providers for hosting mission-critical systems able to meet the high-security requirements imposed by its members
- Enter in a highly interactive tender procedure with a limited shortlist of prequalified bidders co-developing the innovative solutions based on the unique capabilities of these bidders
- Helped the client to gain maximum understanding of the solutions proposed and unique capabilities and opportunities presented by the prospective bidders and achieve upfront alignment on a future proof contract based on best-practice templates.
- Prospective service providers were able to gain a full understanding of the specifics of the client and its challenges, enabling them to propose and optimally price their solutions